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Showing 14 posts in Public Lands.

One of the very first things I was told by the senior partner when I started practicing law was that there isn’t an honest mistake that can’t be fixed, except blowing the statute of limitations. As a result, my calendar has limitations periods blocked out weeks, months and in some cases years in advance, and if there’s ever a question of when it runs, I use the earliest date. The Tenth Circuit’s decision in Impact Energy Resources, LLC v. Salazar, Nos. 11-4043 & 11-4057 (Sept. 5, 2012 10th Cir.), is a cautionary tale to those who may not be as conservative. Read More »

Yesterday, the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, handed down a decision that should provide some solace to property owners of condemned property who often find themselves in the position of paying for remediation of a property which they no longer own and for which they’ve never received payment. Read More »

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in PPL Montana, LLC v. Montana, No. 10-218 (Feb. 22, 2012), which reads more like a wonderous travelogue than a judicial opinion.  The decision can’t help but inspire one to put on a pair of hiking boots and set out for Montana.  At least, the Montana explored by Lewis and Clark and that joined the United States in 1889.  Read More »

OK, admittedly, this case has little to do with environmental law or civil procedure, but sometimes the facts are good enough to make a decision worth noting. Read More »