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Showing 2 posts in Massachusetts.

In Conservation Law Foundation, Inc. v. Academy Express, LLC, the Conservation Law Foundation brought a private right of action under the Clean Air Act, alleging that Academy Express, LLC, a bus company, allowed its vehicles to sit idle for excessive periods of time across Massachusetts and Connecticut. No. 20-10032-WGY (D. Mass. 2023). On appeal, the First Circuit decided an interesting question regarding standing: whether smelling odor from vehicle fumes was sufficient to confer standing to sue a particular bus company. The First Circuit said it was and so allowed the case to proceed. Read More »

This month, in Markmik, LLC v. Packer (unreported decision, No. 23-P-736), the Massachusetts Appeals Court affirmed a trial court’s finding that a less expensive cleanup option requiring buyers to accept an activity and use limitation (“AUL”), with no diminution in value damages, was appropriate given a guaranty by sellers that was silent about the level of cleanup committed to. Read More »